Friday, August 15, 2008

dance of dysfunction 101

interesting conversation about the dances of dysfunction
this morning. it takes me forever, but i eventually see them!
well.......not true. i see them in SOME places.

i got it down in one important place and that's a good thing.

(well, as long as i remember it's a DANCE and always moving...
and you can never REALLY have it completley down!!)

but what's even better is it has just inspired me to really
really look all around. there are places that i get so swept
up in the gunk of it all that i don't see real clearly.

that's no good.
time to see clearly.

i think these things are actually pretty easy if we just step
aside and look. i guess the hard part is the stepping aside!
i think the patterns have got to be easy to spot. it's just the
taking yourself out of it to view....that's the part that i might
need help with.

but i think i can do that a little bit right now....
i want to see what part i play in one particularly tricky tango
i do.

i'm gonna sit the kids down and see if we can figure it out together.
how cool would that be??

that's gonna be lunch conversation with my boys!!!
they have no idea yet what's coming!!!

why in the world don't we all do this??? why don't we have a class
on this in high school????? dance of dysfucntion 101.
man, i'd sign up! good thing i home school my kids. i just signed
all of them up for this one!!

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