Friday, August 15, 2008

the explorer mind

just came in from a wonderful walk with my son, yo.
we ended up talkin' about life and death and meandered
to the big question of 'what's it all about?'

i joked about all this inner journeyin' i do and
wonderin' what the point of it all was... you know layin'
on my death bed and it not makin' a bit of difference.

and then i had a goofy thought...

we've all musta heard the explorer or mountain climber
say they explore or climb because 'the mountain is there.'
something like that, right?

well.....i always thought that was a stupid thing to say.
yeah. i did.

but this morning it made sense to me!
i know there's inner worlds inside of me. and i know the
further i go, the further i see there is to go.
it's in there. and so i go.

and suddenly i realized i was living that stupid explorer

but then i threw in more...maybe cause it still sounded a
little stupid to me......

i have someone i use as an example to me of what not to be
when i get old. and i look at her and see the prisons she
has built for herself. and i know that a goal of the
explorations is also to eliminate the prison walls, melt the
bars, open the doors.

so maybe it's something like...i go because the territory
is there...and it is in that journey thru the territory,
i find freedom.

hmmmmm....i bet a real life explorer would say the same thing.
how awesome cool is that?! now if i ever meet one at a party,
we're gonna have one heck of a conversation!!!

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