Monday, January 12, 2009

the dusting concept

the moon and i took a walk together this morning.

i looked up at her and thought about bein' brave.

people have told me that i've been brave.
they've been sweet, but wrong.
i've only done what i had to do. i wasn't

and i thought about that. i thought 'ya know,
i'm ready. i want to be brave. i want to do more
than what i have to do. i want to be brave.'

and i looked up at the moon and was half way thru
putting it out to the universe when i stopped.

wait a minute.

as soon as i put out that i want to be brave....

then i'm gonna get the ol test.

i don't want that.

it'll prolly be a health crisis or something.

how about if i'm brave on my terms?
how about if i'm brave with what i choose?

oh yeah.
that works, huh?

did lewis and clark get to pick the terrain
they were following? the weather? the animals?

well, i never wanted to be lewis and clark,
so leave me alone.
i always thought they were crazy to do that!

how about this?

what if i'm brave with the things in my life NOW.
you know, no new things to test me. just the things
i've got already???

i've got plenty i can be brave about already that
i'm really not bein brave about now. so maybe i can
work there?

you are SUCH a chicken.

i decided.
i DON'T want to be brave.


sometimes when i dust the stuff in my house
(about once every five years) i think, ya know,
i don't want any more stuff. i gotta take care of
what i've got already.

i like that.

the dusting concept.

take care of what you've got already, ter.

so okay.
i dropped the brave thing.
funny, i lost sight of the moon right around
then too....

i'm goin' more for the dusting concept.


that in itself is more than enough for me.

with everything i am now dealing with, i refuse
to be a namby pamby twit.

that's a start.

okay, it's a chicken start.
but it's a start.

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