Monday, January 12, 2009

these are the moments

so bravery is on my mind.

so i tried something that was a little out
of my comfort zone.
okay....if i told you what it was, you'd laugh.
so i'm not telling.

and it didn't quite go as good as i had hoped.
it didn't totally flop, but well, on my insides
it kinda did.

luckily as i sat there trying to decide what to
do with the flop, something distracted me away
from it all.

and then i just typed out to a friend that i was
tryin' to keep my heart to myself. it was so weird
to type.

ohhhhh and i thought of bravery.

funny, in this instance, it's brave of me to try.
it's not my usual way.
unless it's in fear.

this isn't in fear. it's out of kindness.

and i'm just thinking of these two small things and
i'm thinking bravery is just not my style.

i'm thinking i'm looking down the wrong road.

who wants to be brave anyway?
highly over-rated, i think.

so spontaneous? free? open?

i don't know.......
i don't feel like doin' that right now.


right here.
that's it.
these are the moments.

i want to close and be left alone.

these are the moments.

these are the moments for bravery and
being free and open.

didn't i say i wanted to be brave with the
stuff already in my life?

am i gonna totally chicken out on that too???


deep breath, and back in the game.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...
so with you there on that!
It's trying to feel the pluck to do something, say something, that actually makes people see you?
Not going there.
No thanks
You first
I've got spunk, to fight the good fight, as long as no one knows it's me fighting!
Oh yeah, love this post!